Friday, November 25, 2016

Matthew Sung / 2nd Presentation / Presenting in English / WED56


  1. Title: The Power of a Vote
    Evaluator: Matthew Sung (Self-evaluation)
    Date: November 29th, 2016

    •Topic Selection: _o_Facilitated vocal variety __Satisfactory __Could Improve
    •Volume: _o_Excellent __Satisfactory __Too loud or soft
    •Rate: __Excellent, varied _o_Satisfactory __Too fast or too slow
    •Pitch: _o_Varied conversational _ _Satisfactory __Monotonous, artificial
    •Quality: _o_Pleasant, friendly __Satisfactory __Harsh, monotonous
    •Pauses: _o_Appropriate, effective __Satisfactory __Could Improve
    •Expressiveness: _o_ Conveyed emotion, meaning __Satisfactory __Could Improve
    •Vocal Variety: _ _Enhanced speech _o_Satisfactory __Could Improve
    •Organization: _o_Logical flow of ideas __Satisfactory __Should Improve
    •Word Usage: _o_Vivid, descriptive, accurate _ _Satisfactory __Could Improve
    •Body Language: _o_Natural, expressive __Satisfactory __Unnatural, distracting

    • What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?

    It would have been better if I had spent more time explain the theorem for better and clearer understanding.

    • What did you like about the speech?

    First off, the topic and the general contents directly deal with the current issue related to the youth in Korea. I liked to talk about things that are happening around us. Second off, it was a straight-forward. From the get-go, it is easy to follow and expect how the presentation would develop. Lastly, there were a variety of changes in volume, pitch, and so on as well as pause, which all helped the audience to tell the things that the speaker puts emphasis on.

  2. Title: The Power of a Vote
    Evaluator: Moses Choi
    Date: November 30th, 2016

    •Topic Selection: _ o _Facilitated vocal variety __Satisfactory __Could Improve
    •Volume: _ o _Excellent __Satisfactory __Too loud or soft
    •Rate: _o_Excellent, varied __Satisfactory __Too fast or too slow
    •Pitch: _ o _Varied conversational _ _Satisfactory _ _Monotonous, artificial
    •Quality: _ o _Pleasant, friendly _ _Satisfactory __Harsh, monotonous
    •Pauses: __Appropriate, effective _ o _Satisfactory __Could Improve
    •Expressiveness: _ o _ Conveyed emotion, meaning _ _Satisfactory __Could Improve
    •Vocal Variety: _ o _Enhanced speech __Satisfactory __Could Improve
    •Organization: __Logical flow of ideas _ _Satisfactory _ o _Should Improve
    •Word Usage: __Vivid, descriptive, accurate _ o _Satisfactory __Could Improve
    •Body Language: _ _Natural, expressive _ _Satisfactory _ o _Unnatural, distracting

    • What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?

    His body language and gestures were very limited and seemed unnatural, which I think is because he had to stay behind the podium for a slide change. Also, I could not quite understand the theorem part, how the theorem backs up his argument.
    • What did you like about the speech?

    His topic itself was very interesting and timely. I think he chose a topic which all of the expected audiences should think about these days. His voice was also very loud and clear, effectively delivering his speech.
