Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Sohee Lee/Assignmet 1 "Get to the Point" /Presenting in English Wednesday 5-6

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  1. Title: My Short Period Study to Thailand
    Evaluator: Jeonghee Lee Date : October 13th 2016

    • The general purpose of the speech was clear. 1

    I think the general purpose of to inspire.

    • The specific purpose of the speech was clear. 1
    I think she wanted the audience to know about her experience in Thailand and how she overcome her two hardships.

    • The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose. 1

    I think her organization supported the specific purpose quite well. I especially liked her brief explanation of her speech's main points at the beginning because I could follow her presentation more easily.

    • The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose. 3

    I think her main points were very clear. However, I think her speech would've been more interesting if she had used some pictures of herself in Thailand.

    • The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose. 3

    I think she organized her main points well to the beginning, body and conclusion and she signaling clarified her structure. But, I think it would've been better if she used more interesting hook at the beginning of her speech.

    • The speaker achieved the specific purpose. 1

    I think she achieved her specific purpose because I could understand her hardships in Thailand and her efforts to overcome the hardships.

    • The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness. 2

    I think her voice was loud enough and her open-handed gestures helped her look more confident. Her voice and speed was very stable and she didn't look like nervous at all. However, she often looked at the ceiling but I think it would've been better if she made more eye-contacts with her audiences instead of looking at the ceiling.

    • The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech. 4

    Even though she didn't hold the notes in her hands, it was pretty obvious that she was looking at her notes on the desk, because her eyes frequently went down. I think she can imporve this by practicing her presentations without using notes and by memorizing the structure of her speech more thorougly.

    • What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?

    I think she should make more eye-contacts with the audiences because she kept looking at the camera lense, but I don't think this helped the speaker to interact with her audiences.

    • What did you like about the presentation?

    I really, really loved her beautiful voice and pronunciation. Her voice was very calm and clear, and it made me focus on her speech. Also, I think she paused really well and her speed was also very steady. Her hand gestures were also wide and open.

  2. Speaking Feedback
    Date : October 15th, 2016
    Speaker: Sohee Lee
    Evaluator: Donghyang Lee
    Title : My short period study to Thailand.

    • The general purpose of the speech was clear. 1
    The general purpose of her speech was to give courage for go and staying abroad.

    • The specific purpose of the speech was clear. 1
    She wanted to tell the audience about her story of going study short period in to Thailand. Also, how she got over the hardships she faced.

    • The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose. 1
    She had organized the speech very well and supported her purpose quite well too. She briefly explain her main point at the beginning so it was easily to follow her.

    • The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose. 1
    It would have been better if she had bring some photos when she was in Thailand to let the audiences concentrate more. However, she main points and speech was amazing.

    • The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose. 2
    She began the speech by confessing that she never went abroad without her parents and follow by telling audiences that going short period studying to Thailand, changed to life. She grab audience’s interest and the speech was well organized.

    • The speaker achieved the specific purpose. 2
    She achieved her specific purpose because she told us the two hardships she faced very well.

    • The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness.
    Her voice while giving presentation was loud and clear enough. Her speaking speed was stabled and seems to be not nervous. She looked confident because of her hand gestures, in my opinion.

    • The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech.
    I can see that see was trying not to rely on the notes. She looked down quite often but I think she did a great job because she spoke naturally without being nervous.

    • What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    It would have been better if she made more eye-contact with audience than the camera. The speaker should make an eye-contact with audiences. Also she should have brought some photos during she was in Thailand. It would have been better but it doesn’t bother.

    • What did you like about the presentation?
    I love her pronunciation and voice when she’s speaking! It was easy to hear and understand. Also, her speech structure made me interested and focused on her speech.

  3. Title: My Short Period Study To Thailand
    Evaluator: Dawon Park
    Date: October 16th

    ● The general purpose of the speech was clear.1
    The general purpose of her speech was to inform the listeners about her period in Thailand, and also to inspire us to go travel. It was clear from the beginning of her speech, by her describing how her study abroad changed her life. The usage of words for example, “I will first describe”, “Now let’s move on to the main part”, “To conclude” helped in making it more clear.

    ● The specific purpose of the speech was clear.1
    The specific purpose of her speech was clear so that the audience could get to know about her hardships and how she overcame them in Thailand, also wanting them to have a change in their life by traveling.

    ● The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose.1
    The way the speech started with a little bit of explanation on her background before her decision to go to Thailand, progressed to her arrival in Thailand and how she felt at that time, and then moved on to the two hardships she faced, and explanation of how she overcame them, it seemed very well organized.

    ● The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose.3
    Her main points were closely related to the specific topic. I think the speech can become richer by adding one or two more hardships she faced, or some other events that has changed her/ her life. Moreover, when talking about her first hardship, it was meant to be about difficulty in communication due to different language, but I think the amount of the explanation was a bit biased to her experience of allergy, making the listener concentrate more on the allergy and the main point becoming a little concealed on account of it.

    ● The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose.1
    I liked the way she started her speech with “I made a big decision”. It surely grabbed my attention. Due to the beginning, body, and conclusion all staying on topic throughout the whole speech, it was able to reinforce the specific purpose of explaining about her two hardships and how she overcame them.
    ● The speaker achieved the specific purpose.1
    After listening to her speech, I knew the exact hardships she faced in Thailand and the ways she overcame them. Also, I knew how her short period study in Thailand changed her. In addition, I was inspired to go travel and experience life changing events myself.

    ● The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness.1
    She seemed very confident because she maintained her pace and confident tone throughout the whole speech. She also didn’t seem nervous because there was no trembling in her voice, or stammering.
    ● The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech.4
    She had a tendency to look at her notes frequently, and I think this could be improved, and by improving, it would make her speech more natural.

    ● What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    I think the speech could become more effective if she shortened the explanation of her allergy trouble and be more specific also on other incidents. She could add one more hardship or another experience she had to make it more diverse.
    ● What did you like about the presentation?
    I really liked her clear pronunciation and bright tone of her voice. I also liked her facial expressions and how she maintained her speed throughout the whole speech. Additionally, I liked how she had a different hand gesture for each part and how she used it very often. I liked how she used quotes and the sentence “Why don’t you follow along!”.
