Monday, November 28, 2016

Nam Koong Yoo Jin/Vocal variety speech/ Let the game begin


  1. < Vocal Variety Self - Evaluation>
    Title : Let the game begin
    Speaker : Nam Koong Yoo Jin
    Evaluator : 201303460 Sanghee Choi

    • Topic Selection: (o)Facilitated vocal variety __Satisfactory __Could Improve
    • Volume: (o)Excellent __Satisfactory __Too loud or soft
    • Rate: (o)Excellent, varied __Satisfactory __Too fast or too slow
    • Pitch: (o)Varied conversational __Satisfactory __Monotonous, artificial
    • Quality: (o)Pleasant, friendly __Satisfactory __Harsh, monotonous
    • Pauses: (o)Appropriate, effective __Satisfactory __Could Improve
    • Expressiveness: (o)Conveyed emotion, meaning __Satisfactory __Could Improve
    • Vocal Variety: (o)Enhanced speech __Satisfactory (o)Could Improve
    • Organization: (o)Logical flow of ideas __Satisfactory __Should Improve
    • Word Usage: (o)Vivid, descriptive, accurate __Satisfactory __Could Improve
    • Body Language: __Natural, expressive (o)Satisfactory __Unnatural, distracting

    • What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    Her speech was great but it could be much better if she doesn't rely on her notes and make a eye contact with the audience. Also she could use more gestures too.

    • What did you like about the speech?
    First of all, it was a very well organized speech. Her speech definitely contains introduction, body, and conclusion part. Also, she used vocal variety method very well and it sounds very natural.

  2. < Vocal Variety Self - Evaluation>
    Title : Let the game begin
    Speaker : Nam Koong Yoo Jin
    Evaluator : 201303460 Sanghee Choi

    • Topic Selection: (o)Facilitated vocal variety __Satisfactory __Could Improve
    • Volume: (o)Excellent __Satisfactory __Too loud or soft
    • Rate: (o)Excellent, varied __Satisfactory __Too fast or too slow
    • Pitch: (0)Varied conversational __Satisfactory __Monotonous, artificial
    • Quality: (o)Pleasant, friendly __Satisfactory __Harsh, monotonous
    • Pauses: (o)Appropriate, effective __Satisfactory __Could Improve
    • Expressiveness: (o)Conveyed emotion, meaning __Satisfactory __Could Improve
    • Vocal Variety: (o)Enhanced speech __Satisfactory Could Improve
    • Organization: (o)Logical flow tof ideas __Satisfactory __Should Improve
    • Word Usage: (o)Vivid, descriptive, accurate __Satisfactory __Could Improve
    • Body Language: __Natural, expressive (o)Satisfactory __Unnatural, distracting

    • What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    her speech was almost perfect and if she memorized the notes, it would be much better. she could communicate with the audience.

    • What did you like about the speech?
    I was very impressed with it. She spoke like she was acting. Her vocal variety was good. And it was absorbing and moving. I think the speaker has a good voice :) The topic and perspective was also very fresh. And made me think about the gamer again.

    1. the evaluator is Lee ji young. I just wanted to copy the form but forgot to change the name... sorry
