Title: Couchsurfing Evaluator: Sohee Lee Date: November 27, 2016 In her speech, she explained about her own experience of couch surfing. Her speech had a logical flow. She first explained the idea of couchsurfing, then moved on to describe her own experience and gave some tips about it as well. The topic was very interesting because I have never heard about it before. Her volume was loud enough and I could clearly hear her voice. The pitch of her voice was fair enough. The rate of her speech was good and the pauses she made between sentences helped me understand her speech better.
• What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? It would have been better if she had used more vivid expressions that conveyed emotion. It would have made her speech more interesting. Also, she could have used more body gestures while presenting her speech. She could have pointed pictures in her PPT slides or use hand gestures to emphasize certain points in her speech.
• What did you like about the speech? Since I have never heard of ‘couchsurfing’ before, the topic itself grabbed my interest. It was surely an interesting topic. After listening to her speech, I wanted to try ‘couchsurfing’ after enough research as she has suggested. I also liked how she showed pictures of her experience in different countries. It helped me understand and learn better about couchsurfing.
Title: Couchsurfing Evaluator: Dawon Park Date: November 28, 2016
The speaker had an appropriate rate and volume of voice. The speech was organized well and explanations of her experiences helped me understand the concept of couchsurfing more. Her voice was clear and her expressions, stresses were satisfactory but I think it could be improved.
-What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? I think she could try more in memorizing the speech and being a little more expressive. Also, it would have been more effective if she had used body language while speaking and pointed to her visuals.
-What did you like about the speech? I really liked her topic, it was very interesting and grabbed my attention, it being a concept I never heard of before. I also liked how she explained the positive and negative sides of couchsurfing, not biased to one side. The addition of her experiences made the speech more attractive.
*Juyeon Lee / COUCHSURFING / WED 1-3pm
ReplyDeleteTitle: Couchsurfing
ReplyDeleteEvaluator: Sohee Lee
Date: November 27, 2016
In her speech, she explained about her own experience of couch surfing. Her speech had a logical flow. She first explained the idea of couchsurfing, then moved on to describe her own experience and gave some tips about it as well. The topic was very interesting because I have never heard about it before. Her volume was loud enough and I could clearly hear her voice. The pitch of her voice was fair enough. The rate of her speech was good and the pauses she made between sentences helped me understand her speech better.
• Topic Selection: _o_Facilitated vocal variety __Satisfactory __Could Improve
• Volume: _ o__Excellent _ _Satisfactory __Too loud or soft
• Rate: o___Excellent, varied _ _Satisfactory __Too fast or too slow
• Pitch: _o_Varied conversational __Satisfactory __Monotonous, artificial
• Quality: _o_Pleasant, friendly __Satisfactory __Harsh, monotonous
• Pauses: _o_Appropriate, effective __Satisfactory __Could Improve
• Expressiveness: __Conveyed emotion, meaning _o_Satisfactory __Could Improve
• Vocal Variety: _o_Enhanced speech __Satisfactory __Could Improve
• Organization: _o_Logical flow of ideas __Satisfactory __Should Improve
• Word Usage: _o_Vivid, descriptive, accurate __Satisfactory __Could Improve
• Body Language: __Natural, expressive _o_Satisfactory __Unnatural, distracting
• What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
It would have been better if she had used more vivid expressions that conveyed emotion. It would have made her speech more interesting. Also, she could have used more body gestures while presenting her speech. She could have pointed pictures in her PPT slides or use hand gestures to emphasize certain points in her speech.
• What did you like about the speech?
Since I have never heard of ‘couchsurfing’ before, the topic itself grabbed my interest. It was surely an interesting topic. After listening to her speech, I wanted to try ‘couchsurfing’ after enough research as she has suggested. I also liked how she showed pictures of her experience in different countries. It helped me understand and learn better about couchsurfing.
Title: Couchsurfing
ReplyDeleteEvaluator: Dawon Park
Date: November 28, 2016
The speaker had an appropriate rate and volume of voice. The speech was organized well and explanations of her experiences helped me understand the concept of couchsurfing more.
Her voice was clear and her expressions, stresses were satisfactory but I think it could be improved.
-Topic Selection:_o_Facilitated vocal variety __Satisfactory__Could Improve
-Volume: _o_Excellent __Satisfactory __Too loud or soft
-Rate:_o_Excellent, varied __Satisfactory __Too fast or too slow
-Pitch: __Varied conversational _o_Satisfactory __Monotonous, artificial
-Quality: _o_Pleasant, friendly __Satisfactory __Harsh, monotonous
-Pauses: __Appropriate, effective _o_Satisfactory __Could Improve
-Expressiveness: __Conveyed emotion, meaning _o_Satisfactory __Could Improve
-Vocal Variety: __Enhanced speech _o_Satisfactory __Could Improve
-Organization: _o_Logical flow of ideas __Satisfactory __Should Improve
-Word Usage: _o_Vivid, descriptive, accurate __Satisfactory __Could Improve
-Body Language: __Natural, expressive _o_Satisfactory __Unnatural, distracting
-What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
I think she could try more in memorizing the speech and being a little more expressive. Also, it would have been more effective if she had used body language while speaking and pointed to her visuals.
-What did you like about the speech?
I really liked her topic, it was very interesting and grabbed my attention, it being a concept I never heard of before. I also liked how she explained the positive and negative sides of couchsurfing, not biased to one side. The addition of her experiences made the speech more attractive.