Title: Honor Killing Evaluator: Hyeji Kim Date: October 16, 2016 • The general purpose of the speech was clear. 1 The general purpose of the speech is to inform the Honor Killing. She tells what the honor killing and the problem of it.
• The specific purpose of the speech was clear. 1 I think after hearing her presentation, people will get to know and explain about what the honor killing is. So her specific purpose is well delivered.
• The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose. 1 The speech organization is composed by the meaning, how bad the honor killing is and punishment of it. The organization is good for her specific purpose that makes the audience explain about the honor killing.
• The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose. 1 She uses the video of the Honor Killing. It is very helpful to understand what it is.
• The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose. 2 The beginning, body and conclusion is all supported the one thing, Honor Killing. Thanks to them, the speech is much more comprehensible.
• The speaker achieved the specific purpose. 2 After hearing her speech, I can tell other people things about the Honor Killing.
• The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness. 1 At the start, she seems little nervous. But keeping saying, the speech is much better and better than the start. At the end, she concluded the speech with confidence and courage.
• The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech. 1 She process the presentation without the script. Without it, she can complete the good speech.
• What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? Starting with the video, she can catch the audience’s attention. It makes the speech more understandable and exciting. Also, she says “There is no honor in killing”. It is the transformation of Honor Killing. It is very unique saying and it makes the presentation more memorable.
• What did you like about the presentation? I like that she memorized all the speech. 6 minutes is not short time. Although she stopped sometimes, it is surprised that she finished the presentation without big mistakes. Also, I like the subject. I didn’t know well about Honor Killing. But she gave me lots of information about that.
Title1: Honour Killing Evaluator: Kim Choong Sil Date: 16 October 2016
The general purpose of the speech was clear - 1 The general purpose of this speech is to inform the audience about the honour killing and the gravity of this problem. Because she thinks that letting people know about it is the best solution.
The specific purpose of the speech was clear - 1 Right after mentioning general purpose, she said that she hope we can explain to people around us about honour killing by end of the speech.
The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose. - 1 Her presentation is well-organized. it is composed by the 3 parts : beginning, body, conclusion. Also every sentence was closely related to the purpose.
The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose. - 1 She told us important facts and recent situation that we should know about honour killing.
The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose - 1 The hook(video) was interesting enough to get my attention in the beginning and she explained well about the topic. I had no problem to understand or accept the body part. In the conclusion, it was good that she told us how she thinks about this social issue to make us agree with her.
The speaker achieved the specific purpose - 1 i think i am able to explain about this issue to people around me.
The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness. - 2 She was confident enough, i can't say she was not nervous at all though.
The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech. - 1 She did a very good job on it !
What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? It would be better if she smiles and uses some gestures.
What did you like about the presentation? It's a pretty serious topic, but she made me understand easily. Also she didn't rely on notes, so i felt like she was talking sincerely from her heart.
Title: Honor Killing Evaluator: Do Yeon Kim Date: 2016.10.18
• The general purpose of the speech was clear.
The general purpose of the speech was inform the definition and situation of honor killing in the world to the audience.
• The specific purpose of the speech was clear.
The specific purpose of the speech was to raise awareness of honor killing
• The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose.
The speech was pretty organized. It had introductry video about honor killing, cases of honor killing in the body, and conclusion.
• The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose.
The power point slides had video and a title for the speech. If it had more pictures or diagram would have aided audience in understanding the topic.
• The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose.
The speech had introductry video about honor killing, cases of honor killing in the body, and conclusion. The speaker gave an example of woman who stood up against the honor killing and how the result came.
• The speaker achieved the specific purpose.
The speakers speech was concise and I was able to hear what the speaker was saying. It had strong supportive arguments against the honor killing. It definately raised the awareness.
• The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness.
The speaker did not look nervous. The speaker used the mic so it was audible too.
• The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech.
She did not look at the notes.
• What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
More powerpoint slides with actual picture of the activist would be better.
• What did you like about the presentation?
Although this topic is not an easy one, she made it clear and concise in delivering the message to stop honor killing and raise awareness
Title: Honour Killing Feedback: Jeonghee Lee Date: 2016. 10. 20
- What did you like about the presentation?
I really liked her topic, which was very interesting and the presenter certainly got my attention in the beginning of the presentation by the short video on the hook. I also think that her voice was very clear and the speed was steady. It helped me to understand the presentation more easily even though there were no visuals. It also seemed that she memorized her presentation really well.
- What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
I think it would've been better if the speaker had held the microphone in one hand and if she had made more hand gestures. It seemed like, she was standing stiffly with both of her hands holding the microphone. Also, she made small hand gestures but they didn't look confident. I think big open-hand gestures would make her look more confident Lastly, I think it would've been better if she had not looked at the ceiling when she paused because it looked like that she was thinking about the next line of the presentation that she memorized.
Title: Honor Killing
ReplyDeleteEvaluator: Hyeji Kim
Date: October 16, 2016
• The general purpose of the speech was clear. 1
The general purpose of the speech is to inform the Honor Killing. She tells what the honor killing and the problem of it.
• The specific purpose of the speech was clear. 1
I think after hearing her presentation, people will get to know and explain about what the honor killing is. So her specific purpose is well delivered.
• The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose. 1
The speech organization is composed by the meaning, how bad the honor killing is and punishment of it. The organization is good for her specific purpose that makes the audience explain about the honor killing.
• The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose. 1
She uses the video of the Honor Killing. It is very helpful to understand what it is.
• The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose. 2
The beginning, body and conclusion is all supported the one thing, Honor Killing. Thanks to them, the speech is much more comprehensible.
• The speaker achieved the specific purpose. 2
After hearing her speech, I can tell other people things about the Honor Killing.
• The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness. 1
At the start, she seems little nervous. But keeping saying, the speech is much better and better than the start. At the end, she concluded the speech with confidence and courage.
• The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech. 1
She process the presentation without the script. Without it, she can complete the good speech.
• What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
Starting with the video, she can catch the audience’s attention. It makes the speech more understandable and exciting. Also, she says “There is no honor in killing”. It is the transformation of Honor Killing. It is very unique saying and it makes the presentation more memorable.
• What did you like about the presentation?
I like that she memorized all the speech. 6 minutes is not short time. Although she stopped sometimes, it is surprised that she finished the presentation without big mistakes. Also, I like the subject. I didn’t know well about Honor Killing. But she gave me lots of information about that.
Title1: Honour Killing
ReplyDeleteEvaluator: Kim Choong Sil
Date: 16 October 2016
The general purpose of the speech was clear - 1
The general purpose of this speech is to inform the audience about the honour killing and the gravity of this problem. Because she thinks that letting people know about it is the best solution.
The specific purpose of the speech was clear - 1
Right after mentioning general purpose, she said that she hope we can explain to people around us about honour killing by end of the speech.
The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose. - 1
Her presentation is well-organized. it is composed by the 3 parts : beginning, body, conclusion. Also every sentence was closely related to the purpose.
The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose. - 1
She told us important facts and recent situation that we should know about honour killing.
The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose - 1
The hook(video) was interesting enough to get my attention in the beginning and she explained well about the topic. I had no problem to understand or accept the body part. In the conclusion, it was good that she told us how she thinks about this social issue to make us agree with her.
The speaker achieved the specific purpose - 1
i think i am able to explain about this issue to people around me.
The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness. - 2
She was confident enough, i can't say she was not nervous at all though.
The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech. - 1
She did a very good job on it !
What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
It would be better if she smiles and uses some gestures.
What did you like about the presentation?
It's a pretty serious topic, but she made me understand easily. Also she didn't rely on notes, so i felt like she was talking sincerely from her heart.
Title: Honor Killing
ReplyDeleteEvaluator: Do Yeon Kim
Date: 2016.10.18
• The general purpose of the speech was clear.
The general purpose of the speech was inform the definition and situation of honor killing in the world to the audience.
• The specific purpose of the speech was clear.
The specific purpose of the speech was to raise awareness of honor killing
• The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose.
The speech was pretty organized. It had introductry video about honor killing, cases of honor killing in the body, and conclusion.
• The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose.
The power point slides had video and a title for the speech. If it had more pictures or diagram would have aided audience in understanding the topic.
• The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose.
The speech had introductry video about honor killing, cases of honor killing in the body, and conclusion. The speaker gave an example of woman who stood up against the honor killing and how the result came.
• The speaker achieved the specific purpose.
The speakers speech was concise and I was able to hear what the speaker was saying. It had strong supportive arguments against the honor killing. It definately raised the awareness.
• The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness.
The speaker did not look nervous. The speaker used the mic so it was audible too.
• The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech.
She did not look at the notes.
• What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
More powerpoint slides with actual picture of the activist would be better.
• What did you like about the presentation?
Although this topic is not an easy one, she made it clear and concise in delivering the message to stop honor killing and raise awareness
Title: Honour Killing
ReplyDeleteFeedback: Jeonghee Lee
Date: 2016. 10. 20
- What did you like about the presentation?
I really liked her topic, which was very interesting and the presenter certainly got my attention in the beginning of the presentation by the short video on the hook. I also think that her voice was very clear and the speed was steady. It helped me to understand the presentation more easily even though there were no visuals. It also seemed that she memorized her presentation really well.
- What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
I think it would've been better if the speaker had held the microphone in one hand and if she had made more hand gestures. It seemed like, she was standing stiffly with both of her hands holding the microphone. Also, she made small hand gestures but they didn't look confident. I think big open-hand gestures would make her look more confident Lastly, I think it would've been better if she had not looked at the ceiling when she paused because it looked like that she was thinking about the next line of the presentation that she memorized.