Title: 3 Romantic Movie Locations to Visit Evaluator: Lee Chaehyun
• The general purpose of the speech was clear. 1 The general purpose of the speech was to inform the audience. • The specific purpose of the speech was clear. 1 The speech-giver informs the audience three romantic places that appeared on movies. • The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose. 1 The speech was organized in a way of introducing three places that appeared in romantic movie scenes and then giving specific details or informations about these places. • The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose. 2 The specific details supported the main points(three romantic places to visit). • The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose. 1 She first began with a clip, to give better understandings about these places. Then she gave specific informations to the audience in a cheerful and casual tone as if she’s talking to her friend. She concluded the speech by recommending to travel to these amazing places with audiences’ lover. • The speaker achieved the specific purpose. 2 The speech-giver made the audience wanting to know more about the three romantic places and even visit these places someday. • The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness. 2 Throughout the speech, she kept her tone cheerful so that the audience could not notice even if she did feel nervous. I think she made a wonderful job at this. • The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech. 1 Most of the amateur speech-givers tend to rely on his/her notes. However, what impressed me was the fact that she even did not have a script with her, as if she had memorized the whole thing. She had several pauses or hesitations (maybe she could not remember some parts), but the pauses she took were not awkward. • What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? It would have been perfect if she made the ppt easier for see for me. As an audience in the clip the ppt could be seen very clearly, but as an audience watching this clip, it was quite hard for me to see the detailed part of the pictures in the ppt. But I think she did not have a choice then, since she also had to have three audiences appear in her clip. • What did you like about the presentation? I liked her presentation because it had a lot of pictures that we can use as guidelines to better understanding these three places she introduced. She also used appropriate pauses to give time for the audience to absorb informations she gave.
Title: 3 romantic movie locations to visit Feedback by Jeonghee Lee Date: 2016. 10. 20
- What did you like about the presentation?
First of all, I loved her topic very much and her voice was very clear and audible. Her intonation and stress was very useful and they made her sound really confident. Also, she paused really well. I think her specific purpose was well met because I could know the 3 romantic places that appeared on 3 movies.
- What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
I really enjoyed the video on hook, but I think it was quite long. I also think it would've been better if she had asked some questions to the audience, for example, simple yes/no questions whether they had heard about the movies or they had watched them before. Her speech was amazing but she didn't use any gestures, and I think it would've been much better if she used some gestures. I am not sure if she was looking at the audience and if she was making eye contacts with the audience. I don't know what she was looking but she seemed that she was looking somewhere else and she looked like she was reading something far behind. So, I think it would've been better if she did more eye contacts with the audience. Lastly, it would've been better if she had used her visuals more effectively. Mostly, she only looked at the front but it would've been better if she had looked at the ppt slides more often with some hand gestures like pointing at the beautiful pictures because it would have make her look more natural and it might have helped her to interact with the audience.
Title: 3 Romantic Movie Locations to Visit
ReplyDeleteEvaluator: Lee Chaehyun
• The general purpose of the speech was clear. 1
The general purpose of the speech was to inform the audience.
• The specific purpose of the speech was clear. 1
The speech-giver informs the audience three romantic places that appeared on movies.
• The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose. 1
The speech was organized in a way of introducing three places that appeared in romantic movie scenes and then giving specific details or informations about these places.
• The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose. 2
The specific details supported the main points(three romantic places to visit).
• The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose. 1
She first began with a clip, to give better understandings about these places. Then she gave specific informations to the audience in a cheerful and casual tone as if she’s talking to her friend. She concluded the speech by recommending to travel to these amazing places with audiences’ lover.
• The speaker achieved the specific purpose. 2
The speech-giver made the audience wanting to know more about the three romantic places and even visit these places someday.
• The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness. 2
Throughout the speech, she kept her tone cheerful so that the audience could not notice even if she did feel nervous. I think she made a wonderful job at this.
• The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech. 1
Most of the amateur speech-givers tend to rely on his/her notes. However, what impressed me was the fact that she even did not have a script with her, as if she had memorized the whole thing. She had several pauses or hesitations (maybe she could not remember some parts), but the pauses she took were not awkward.
• What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
It would have been perfect if she made the ppt easier for see for me. As an audience in the clip the ppt could be seen very clearly, but as an audience watching this clip, it was quite hard for me to see the detailed part of the pictures in the ppt. But I think she did not have a choice then, since she also had to have three audiences appear in her clip.
• What did you like about the presentation?
I liked her presentation because it had a lot of pictures that we can use as guidelines to better understanding these three places she introduced. She also used appropriate pauses to give time for the audience to absorb informations she gave.
Title: 3 romantic movie locations to visit
ReplyDeleteFeedback by Jeonghee Lee
Date: 2016. 10. 20
- What did you like about the presentation?
First of all, I loved her topic very much and her voice was very clear and audible. Her intonation and stress was very useful and they made her sound really confident. Also, she paused really well. I think her specific purpose was well met because I could know the 3 romantic places that appeared on 3 movies.
- What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
I really enjoyed the video on hook, but I think it was quite long. I also think it would've been better if she had asked some questions to the audience, for example, simple yes/no questions whether they had heard about the movies or they had watched them before. Her speech was amazing but she didn't use any gestures, and I think it would've been much better if she used some gestures. I am not sure if she was looking at the audience and if she was making eye contacts with the audience. I don't know what she was looking but she seemed that she was looking somewhere else and she looked like she was reading something far behind. So, I think it would've been better if she did more eye contacts with the audience. Lastly, it would've been better if she had used her visuals more effectively. Mostly, she only looked at the front but it would've been better if she had looked at the ppt slides more often with some hand gestures like pointing at the beautiful pictures because it would have make her look more natural and it might have helped her to interact with the audience.