Title: Food Invention Evaluator: Hyeji Kim Date: October 16, 2016 • The general purpose of the speech was clear. 1 The general purpose of the speech is to inform food invention. She keeps saying about the invention.
• The specific purpose of the speech was clear. 1 I think her specific purpose is to make people think that they are possible to invent something. Through many examples and inserted expression, the specific purpose is better conveyed.
• The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose. 1 In the introduction, she says what she will talk. Also, her body is constituted by 3 examples. At the conclusion, she mentions the famous sentence. They are very helpful of understanding her speech.
• The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose. 1 She wants to make people think they can invent. So, she uses PPT and famous sentence. These make the specific purpose more clear. People can easily realize by picture of the PPT that the small thing like food is invented by normal people like them and they can be more confident thanks to the sentence.
• The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose. 2 The beginning, body and conclusion is all supported the one thing, invention of the food. They clarifies the specific purpose.
• The speaker achieved the specific purpose. 2 After hearing her speech, I get to know more about the invention. I thought only extraordinary people can invent. But after her presentation, my standard changes. Ordinary people including can invent the amazing thing.
• The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness. 1 At the beginning, she does not seem nervous. She continues her speech calmly. Also, she finishes presentation by encouraging the audience. It means she is not anxious and she is satisfied with her speech.
• The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech. 3 She has the script. But she watches the camera frequently. She looks the script when she really doesn’t know what she will say.
• What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? She mentions the quote of movie. It is the perfect of her speech. For this quote, the presentation gets more original and her specific purpose is well delivered.
• What did you like about the presentation? I like her PPT. She uses many pictures of food. It makes the speech more understandable. Also, her examples. They are not difficult things. They are very familiar to every people. By using these examples, the presentation is good for comprehending.
Title: The secret of food invention Evaluator : Kim Choong Sil Date: 16 October 2016
The general purpose of the speech was clear - 1 the speaker's general purpose is to inform the audience that some food was invented by mistakes.
The specific purpose of the speech was clear. - 3 i think her specific purpose is to make us think that we never know what will happen in our life, since it is like a chocolate box. I am not sure though since she didn't mention about it directly.
The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose. - 2 she gave us some good examples that supported her purpose. But I felt like beginning and conclusion were a bit too short.
The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose.- 1 The material she told us in the body part was great and interesting.
The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose. - 3 Every sentence she used was closely related to the subject. But I couldn't clearly understand what the speaker wanted to tell in the conclusion.
The speaker achieved the specific purpose - 2 After hearing her speech, when I think of food invention, the word "coincidence" comes to my mind. Also I totally agree that life is like a chocolate box that you don't know what to pick next.
The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness. - 1 She was very confident what she was saying. Also even if she was nervous, she didn't show us and hided well.
The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech.- 3 She looked at the script some times, but it didn't bother me.
What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective? It would be better if she emphasize her specific purpose and underline it in the conclusion.
What did you like about the presentation? The topic was very interesting itself. it totally broke the stereotype that I had about food invention. Also she didn't appear her nervousness, so I was very comfortable watching her presentation.
Title: Food Invention
ReplyDeleteEvaluator: Hyeji Kim
Date: October 16, 2016
• The general purpose of the speech was clear. 1
The general purpose of the speech is to inform food invention. She keeps saying about the invention.
• The specific purpose of the speech was clear. 1
I think her specific purpose is to make people think that they are possible to invent something. Through many examples and inserted expression, the specific purpose is better conveyed.
• The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose. 1
In the introduction, she says what she will talk. Also, her body is constituted by 3 examples. At the conclusion, she mentions the famous sentence. They are very helpful of understanding her speech.
• The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose. 1
She wants to make people think they can invent. So, she uses PPT and famous sentence. These make the specific purpose more clear. People can easily realize by picture of the PPT that the small thing like food is invented by normal people like them and they can be more confident thanks to the sentence.
• The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose. 2
The beginning, body and conclusion is all supported the one thing, invention of the food. They clarifies the specific purpose.
• The speaker achieved the specific purpose. 2
After hearing her speech, I get to know more about the invention. I thought only extraordinary people can invent. But after her presentation, my standard changes. Ordinary people including can invent the amazing thing.
• The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness. 1
At the beginning, she does not seem nervous. She continues her speech calmly. Also, she finishes presentation by encouraging the audience. It means she is not anxious and she is satisfied with her speech.
• The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech. 3
She has the script. But she watches the camera frequently. She looks the script when she really doesn’t know what she will say.
• What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
She mentions the quote of movie. It is the perfect of her speech. For this quote, the presentation gets more original and her specific purpose is well delivered.
• What did you like about the presentation?
I like her PPT. She uses many pictures of food. It makes the speech more understandable. Also, her examples. They are not difficult things. They are very familiar to every people. By using these examples, the presentation is good for comprehending.
Title: The secret of food invention
ReplyDeleteEvaluator : Kim Choong Sil
Date: 16 October 2016
The general purpose of the speech was clear - 1
the speaker's general purpose is to inform the audience that some food was invented by mistakes.
The specific purpose of the speech was clear. - 3
i think her specific purpose is to make us think that we never know what will happen in our life, since it is like a chocolate box. I am not sure though since she didn't mention about it directly.
The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose. - 2
she gave us some good examples that supported her purpose.
But I felt like beginning and conclusion were a bit too short.
The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose.- 1
The material she told us in the body part was great and interesting.
The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose. - 3
Every sentence she used was closely related to the subject. But I couldn't clearly understand what the speaker wanted to tell in the conclusion.
The speaker achieved the specific purpose - 2
After hearing her speech, when I think of food invention, the word "coincidence" comes to my mind. Also I totally agree that life is like a chocolate box that you don't know what to pick next.
The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness. - 1
She was very confident what she was saying. Also even if she was nervous, she didn't show us and hided well.
The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech.- 3
She looked at the script some times, but it didn't bother me.
What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
It would be better if she emphasize her specific purpose and underline it in the conclusion.
What did you like about the presentation?
The topic was very interesting itself. it totally broke the stereotype that I had about food invention. Also she didn't appear her nervousness, so I was very comfortable watching her presentation.