Sunday, October 16, 2016

Jee Woo Lim / Get to the Point(1st Assignment) / Presenting in English / WED 1-3pm


  1. Title: The Basics of Hip Hop Music
    Evaluator: Moses Choi

    • The general purpose of the speech was clear. 1
    The general purpose of the speech was to inform the audience of basic facts of hip hop music.
    • The specific purpose of the speech was clear. 2
    The specific purpose was to let the audience know what hip hop is, and more specifically, basic concepts which constitute hip hop music.
    • The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose. 1
    During the speech, the speaker explained the concept of hip hop and hip hop music, and moved on to explain the basics constituting hip hop music.
    • The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose. 3
    The main points well described what he tried to explain. However, regarding Powerpoint slides, I think there were too many texts, and it distracted me because I tried to read them.
    • The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose. 1
    I think he successfully drew the listeners’ attention by boldly saying ‘you’ll be a rap star after this presentation.’ Also, he asked to question which I think made audience to participate in the speech. In the body part, he explained the concept with a variety of examples, which helped me understand what he was explaining.
    • The speaker achieved the specific purpose. 2
    Though I’m not sure that if I can be a rap star right away, I think I properly learned the basics of hip hop and hip hop music.
    • The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness. 1
    His voice was full of confidence throughout the whole speech, and he was constantly making eye contacts.
    • The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech. 1
    I could see he did not have a note as he was giving his presentation. It seemed that he perfectly memorized the contents.
    • What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    I think he could use more effective supporting materials such as visuals, or even sound effects, considering the subject of his speech.

    • What did you like about the presentation?
    I really liked his confident voice, attitude, and gestures. He seemed to know how to draw the listener’s attention. Regarding the contents, I liked that he used so many examples. They really helped me understanding the concepts he was trying to explain.

    Moses Choi

  2. Title: The Basics of Hip-Hop Music
    Evaluator: Jee Woo Lim (self-evaluation)
    Date: 2016.10.16

    • The general purpose of the speech was clear.

    The general purpose of my speech was to let the audience know what are the basics of Hip-Hop music. I think my general purpose of the speech was pretty much clear.

    • The specific purpose of the speech was clear.

    I explained the audiences the basics of Hip-Hop music by firstly talking about the definition of Hip-Hop and Hip-Hop music. Then I moved on by dealing with the 4 core elements of Hip-Hop music, and gave examples about them. I thought the specific purpose was also clear.

    • The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose.

    In my opinion, the organization of my speech was pretty much organized. I had my introduction, body, and conclusion.

    • The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose.

    At first, I thought I my supporting material was good enough to help the listeners to understand the main points of my speech. However, as I reviewed my speech again at home, I found out that there were too many words in my PPT. I wish I could have had a better supporting material by shortening the words in the slides.

    • The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose.

    I think the conclusion would have been better if I put something in the end of my PPT which could summarize the whole speech. I somewhat finished my speech hastily.

    • The speaker achieved the specific purpose.

    The reason why I chose this topic was because Hip-Hop music is considered as a big trend these days. This made lots of people get interested in this music genre, so I wanted to explain the basics of Hip-Hop music to help them understand the music. I think I put all the basics of Hip-Hop music in my presentation, so I hope it helped many people know more about the music.

    • The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness.

    I tried not to be nervous in front of the camera and the audience as best as I could, but I think it was not perfect as I sometimes had short pauses in my speech.

    • The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech.

    I memorized my speech, so I did not rely on notes.

    • What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?

    I could have added more pictures or other kinds of materials to help the audience more to understand my speech. Also, it would have been better if I did not tangle my words sometimes in my speech.

    • What did you like about the presentation?

    I liked the choice of my speech topic as I am extremely interested in Hip-Hop music and these days Hip-Hop is a big trend. Also, I think my voice was loud enough for the audiences to hear without problem.

  3. Title: The basics of hip-hop music
    Evaluator: Kyeong Ju Seo

    • The general purpose of the speech was clear. 1
    The general purpose of the speech was to inform the audience.

    • The specific purpose of the speech was clear. 1
    The specific purpose was to inform the audience about what hip hop is and the core elements that makes hip hop music.

    • The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose. 1
    The speech was organized well with good introduction, body and conclusion.

    • The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose. 2
    The images in the PPT were used to describe hip hop and the main points he talked about all contributed to understanding hip hop music. But maybe if he used more images than long texts, it would have been better.

    • The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose. 1
    He began the speech by asking the audience a question and talking about popular hip hop TV shows like Show me the Money and Unpretty Rapstar which caught my interest. The body part consists of the definition of hip hop, short origin of where hip hop came from and the core elements that constitute hip hop music. At the very end, he wraps everything up and says that he hope that we’re rapstars.

    • The speaker achieved the specific purpose. 2
    The lecture was very easy to understand and very clear. Like he mentioned at the beginning and the end, I don’t know if I can be a rapstar by just listening to his speech but I think I can easily grab anyone in the street and tell them about the basic elements that make hip hop music.

    • The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness. 1
    Even just by hearing his voice, he seemed very confident. He had proper eye contact with the audience and even made hand gestures that made him seem not at all bothered in giving a speech in front of people.

    • The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech. 1
    He didn’t have his script with him and seemed to have memorized everything. Overall, his eye contact with the audience was very good.

    • What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
    I think he did very well. Maybe if he didn't use long texts in his PPT, it would be perfect.

    • What did you like about the presentation?
    I really liked his topic of hip hop because I was recently into watching Show me the Money and Unpretty Rapstar. Although I can’t rap, I could totally connect with what he was saying like the punch lines. I liked the examples that he used for the punchlines. It was witty.

    Kyeong Ju Seo

  4. Title: The Basics of Hip-Hop Music
    Evaluator: Do Yeon Kim
    Date: 2016.10.18

    • The general purpose of the speech was clear.

    The general purpose of the speech was inform basics of hiphop music to the audience.

    • The specific purpose of the speech was clear.

    The speech began with explanation about basics of Hip-Hop music it moved on to 4 elements which shapes it.

    • The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose.

    The speech was pretty organized. It had introductry about hiphop music, 4 elements in the body, and conclusion.

    • The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose.

    The power point slides had adequate amount of words and pictures. If they were bit bigger, it would have been better.

    • The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose.

    The speech had introductry about hiphop music, 4 elements in the body, and conclusion.It served well for its specific purpose to inform the audience of hiphop music elements.

    • The speaker achieved the specific purpose.

    The speakers speech was concise and I was able to hear what the speaker was saying. It had many supportive ideas and the speaker utilized them very well.

    • The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness.

    The speaker did not look nervous at all. His gestures shows that he is confident in his speech.

    • The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech.

    He did not look at the notes.

    • What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?

    If he used a video clip, the audience would have understanded better.

    • What did you like about the presentation?

    The speaker seem to know the topic as if it was his profession. And by looking at the way he talks, he is doing hiphop.
