Title: An Economic Analysis of Minimum Wage Evaluator: Matthew Sung (self-evaluation) Date: 2016.10.16 Since it is a self-evaluation, I would not give myself a grade. HaHa.
• The general purpose of the speech was clear.
The general purpose of the presentation was to inform the audience of what effect the minimum wage would have on the labor market based on the idea of human capital & labor market analysis.
• The specific purpose of the speech was clear.
After hearing the presentation, the audience is expected to identify the effect of the minimum wage by looking at a graph; unemployment occurs. It deals with the minimum wage in Korea, which is constantly growing. Minimum wage is basically set to protect the least skilled workers in the labor market from being exploited. But we need to approach it more critically. With the introduction of basic concept of economics, the presentation is designed to (a) familiarize the audience with the economic concept and possible consequence we may face from the policy, using a visual aid, graph and (b) think critically over the government policy affecting the workers in the market.
• The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose.
I believe that the overall organization was fine, starting with what is happening around us in the status quo to have a grasp of labor market. Later the presentation moved on to an economic analysis and at last to further implications.
• The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose.
Well, I hope the audience would understand why the minimum wage should be located above the equilibrium wage and how it, therefore, causes unemployment in the labor market.
• The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose.
The conclusion with a cartoon is like a gist. It summarizes and tells everything about what would likely happen as the consequence of the minimum wage. Once again, when one wins, another loses.
• The speaker achieved the specific purpose.
In the process of preparing for the presentation, I was personally concerned about not fully explaining the concept to the audience. That’s why I added another slide before the introduction of the minimum wage to ensure that everyone understands basic market equilibrium concept. I hoped that everybody was on the same page before moving on to next level.
• The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness.
Honestly speaking, I was a bit nervous in front of the camera.
• The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech.
• What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
I could have talked more about the implications with my personal ideas if time had allowed.
• What did you like about the presentation? I liked the topic. Although it might seem boring and not even related to our everyday lives, we will probably all work for companies in the near future. At least, we will participate in the labor market. I personally hope to learn more about human capital and government policies affecting it.
Title: An Economic Analysis of Minimum Wage
ReplyDeleteEvaluator: Matthew Sung (self-evaluation)
Date: 2016.10.16
Since it is a self-evaluation, I would not give myself a grade. HaHa.
• The general purpose of the speech was clear.
The general purpose of the presentation was to inform the audience of what effect the minimum wage would have on the labor market based on the idea of human capital & labor market analysis.
• The specific purpose of the speech was clear.
After hearing the presentation, the audience is expected to identify the effect of the minimum wage by looking at a graph; unemployment occurs. It deals with the minimum wage in Korea, which is constantly growing. Minimum wage is basically set to protect the least skilled workers in the labor market from being exploited. But we need to approach it more critically. With the introduction of basic concept of economics, the presentation is designed to (a) familiarize the audience with the economic concept and possible consequence we may face from the policy, using a visual aid, graph and (b) think critically over the government policy affecting the workers in the market.
• The speech organization supported the speech's specific purpose.
I believe that the overall organization was fine, starting with what is happening around us in the status quo to have a grasp of labor market. Later the presentation moved on to an economic analysis and at last to further implications.
• The main points and supporting material contributed to the speech's specific purpose.
Well, I hope the audience would understand why the minimum wage should be located above the equilibrium wage and how it, therefore, causes unemployment in the labor market.
• The beginning, body and conclusion reinforced the specific purpose.
The conclusion with a cartoon is like a gist. It summarizes and tells everything about what would likely happen as the consequence of the minimum wage. Once again, when one wins, another loses.
• The speaker achieved the specific purpose.
In the process of preparing for the presentation, I was personally concerned about not fully explaining the concept to the audience. That’s why I added another slide before the introduction of the minimum wage to ensure that everyone understands basic market equilibrium concept. I hoped that everybody was on the same page before moving on to next level.
• The speaker appeared confident and sincere, with minimal nervousness.
Honestly speaking, I was a bit nervous in front of the camera.
• The speaker did not rely on notes throughout the speech.
• What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?
I could have talked more about the implications with my personal ideas if time had allowed.
• What did you like about the presentation?
I liked the topic. Although it might seem boring and not even related to our everyday lives, we will probably all work for companies in the near future. At least, we will participate in the labor market. I personally hope to learn more about human capital and government policies affecting it.